working together

You have booked us to perform your wedding ceremony - now what? Here are some important things we recommend in order to have the best possible wedding day experience.

Communicate with us: We are happy to answer any questions you have as you prepare for your wedding day. Contact your Officiant or our regional office by phone or email. We are here to help.

Consult us before making changes:
 If you decide to change the date, time or location of your ceremony, please contact us first to confirm our availability. To inquire regarding making changes, contact our regional office.

Select your ceremony content:
 Remember to choose your wedding ceremony content at least 4 weeks before your wedding day. You may forward this to your Officiant in the body of an email, in a word document, or use the online template found on

Be creative:
 The great thing about weddings today is that almost anything goes. We encourage you to create a ceremony that reflects your values, style and personality as a couple - not common wedding traditions, or even the wishes of everyone else. We have many great ideas. Feel free to ask for our suggestions on how to make your day memorable and magical.

Set up a second meeting:
 Contact your Officiant directly to set up a second meeting to review your ceremony content, confirm the details for your ceremony, and provide your balance owing (if needed). This meeting can be done over the phone or in person and should be held 2 weeks before your wedding date.

Trust our experience:
 Our team has performed more wedding ceremonies than anyone else in the industry. Over the years we have accumulated much experience and expertise. We know the industry, the other wedding professionals, and how to guide you through the entire process. Ask for help with anything our experience.

Know that things happen:
 Sometimes situations happen that are beyond anyone's control. Be assured that in every circumstance, we will strive for excellence and do whatever we can to ensure that your wedding day experience with us is extraordinary.

We marry a lot of couples:
 We marry thousands of couples every year. When you contact us always give us your full name, wedding date, time, and location. This will allow us to serve you quickly and efficiently.

Wedding day expectations:
 We arrive 20-30 minutes before your ceremony. Upon arrival, we will connect with the groom and groomsmen, make sure the license and rings are in place, and speak with the other wedding professionals (musicians, photographer, etc.). If there is no wedding coordinator we take on that responsibility. We will coordinate the details of the processional and confidently conduct the ceremony. Be assured, you are in good hands.

We are looking forward to working together with you .